Hi, for those who don’t know me…I am Lindy.

 I have spent most of my working life with children, from teaching assistant to Heart Start teacher, to Extended Schools Co-ordinator, gaining a degree in Teaching and Learning, dealing with behavioural issues, identifying barriers and putting strategies in place to enable learning. More recently I have been running social groups at Medieval Mayhem as well as my craft and party- box hub in Wharncliffe Side.

Lives, work, routine and activities have changed for many since lockdown. We have had to learn to adapt to changed circumstances  and an uncertain future.  As parents, we have had to adapt to unfamiliar situations leaving us feeling at times vulnerable.  Our children have felt the effects of our uncertainty and tension, but have not had the information, maturity or capacity to enable them to put what was happening into perspective.

Again, parents that I have spoken to have said that the impact of all this has affected their family unit.  The mechanisms that they had in place which helped them work and deal with everyday life were restricted, and the whole family physically isolated from friends, teachers, extended families and community networks with no access to activities and routines.

The impact of all this has left many children unable to cope without support as vital milestones were missed. Children experienced loneliness as friendships became strained. Isolation become a normality and communication a struggle due to unfamiliarity outside the family unit.  Many children became body conscious through inactivity which added to their lack of self-esteem and resilience. 

Now, as a mum who has fallen at all of these hurdles, despite having the training and the know-how, I thought I would be a little wiser and try and find a way forward.

So, this is where I am introducing a new after-school session at Medieval Mayhem especially for those who may just need a little encouragement to challenge themselves, make friends, join in, get out of Mario world and Minecraft and reconnect with reality. Making these connections will help them in other social situations to engage, cope and find their way.

All children will receive a pedometer at the start of the session with an exercise challenge. All challenges are measured against themselves and lead to achievable fun goals. There will be simple activities to take home each week to promote self-esteem. I will be on hand throughout the session if parents need a chat. 

Seeing your child unhappy is soul-destroying and talking really does help. Nothing is too minor; this is your child and your mission is to help them grow and achieve. Anything that stands in the way can also make you feel desperately unhappy. I know… I have been there before! 


CLICK HERE to book your place. The initial course, including activities, art materials, ROC and Pedometer, will cost £35.00 and will run every Tuesday at Medieval Mayhem for five weeks starting on 20th February 2024.

If your child can go home feeling exhausted, positively challenged, listened to, happier or just OK… it has to be an achievement and a step in the right direction to connecting the pieces in their mind that are just a little jumbled from LIFE.










